Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The first challenge that I had when I arrived in Vancouver was with Imigration. The agency in Mexico told me that I did't need the student permit because I was going to stay in Canada only for 24 weeks, so they didn't ask for the student visa. Apparently, someone misunderstood something because I needed it. I spent almost 2 hours at imigration. Finally, they gave me the tourist visa. At that moment, I was so upset with my agency because I payed them a lot of money to make all the paper work. Also, no one was waiting for me at the airport to pick me up. It was 2:00 am, and I was completely tired. I had called my homestay family, but they didn't answer. I decided to take a cab, and the nice driver let me use his cell phone to call my parents and the host family again. Finally, they answered. When I arrived at 5:00 am, I was totally exhastued.

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

What a nightmare! I remember I had a similar experience when I arrived in Cancun. It feels good though to know that even in a foreign country and in a completely different language you are able to find your way.